When you set out to build and grow your website, one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make will be picking the right web hosting for your site. Your web hosting will play an important role in the success of your website. This makes it important for you to research the different hosting solutions available in the market properly. Shared hosting is a popular web hosting service among users because it’s affordable and easy to navigate.
While there are many best-shared hosting providers out there, very few, like Bluehost, provide you with the essential tools and services that will take your website from 0 to 100. Bluehost is one of the best-shared hosting providers that has been around for over a decade. It is especially known for its reliable and affordable shared hosting plans. In this blog, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Bluehost’s best-shared hosting. Continue reading to know who can use it, its features, and how it is better than other shared hosting services in the market.
Features of shared hosting service by Bluehost

Bluehost is a versatile and best-shared hosting provider that offers four shared hosting plans: Basic, Choice Plus, Online Store, and Pro. Here are some of the features that come with these best-shared hosting plans:
Cheap Shared Hosting: One feature that makes Bluehost the best-shared hosting provider is its affordability. Starting at just $2.95 per month, Bluehost’s basic plan is one of the most affordable options for you in comparison to other plans out there. This affordability factor makes them an excellent choice for individuals and small businesses who are just starting with their website and have a limited budget.
Free Domain Name: Bluehost’s best-shared hosting plan comes with a free domain name for the first year. This means you don’t have to spend money to buy a domain name separately. This will help you save a significant amount of money, as domain names can be quite expensive.
Automatic Updates: With Bluehost’s best-shared hosting plan, your website’s backup gets updated on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. This ensures that you never lose your data and can easily restore your website in case of emergencies. The backup feature is important for every website as it protects them against data loss due to hacking, technical failures, or other unexpected issues. Businesses that rely heavily on their websites will benefit immensely from this feature.
24/7 Customer Support: Bluehost offers 24/7 support to users via phone, email and chat. So, whether you need help at midnight or during busy hours, you will get the expert support you need. Having reliable and instant customer support is important, especially for businesses that don’t have the technical skills or knowledge about troubleshooting issues on their own.
Easy-to-use Control Panel: Bluehost’s control panel under the shared hosting plan is easy to navigate. Anyone with the least technical skills can easily manage their website with such a simple panel. The control panel is not only easy to navigate, but it also offers a number of tools that will help you grow your website. These features include one-click WordPress installs, website analytics, and more.
Who can benefit from shared hosting by Bluehost?

Bluehost is known as the best-shared hosting provider for small businesses, startups, individuals and bloggers. While anyone can use their shared hosting services, there is a specific type of users who will benefit immensely from them, who are as follows:
Individuals and bloggers
If you are an individual or a blogger who wants to start a personal website, then Bluehost’s best-shared hosting plan will be perfect for you. Starting at just $2.95 per month, their basic plan will be one of the most affordable options for you. With an easy-to-use control panel, you can manage and customise your website, even if you don’t have the technical skills.
Small businesses
Bluehost is the best-shared hosting provider for small businesses that use their website to display their products and services. With a free domain name for the first year, it will give a good head start to the business. The automatic updates and 24/7 support will ensure that all their data is restored in case of emergencies, and they have technical support whenever needed.
E-commerce stores
If you are thinking about setting up an e-commerce store, then Bluehost’s best-shared hosting plan will be a good fit for you. Bluehost offers automatic updates and sufficient bandwidth to ensure that you have proper backups and technical support to handle traffic surges and transaction volumes. Additionally, Bluehost’s e-commerce tools and features, such as WooCommerce and SSL certificates, ensure that your website looks professional and is safe.
Startups that are just getting started and have limited resources can benefit from Bluehost’s shared hosting plan. The affordable price and easy-to-use control panel make it easy to set up and manage your website, even if you don’t have a proper tech team. The best thing is, as your business starts growing, you can easily upgrade your plan to Bluehost’s Choice Plus or Pro plan.
While there are many best shared hosting plans available in the market, Bluehost offers you the best of services and tools to grow and upscale your website. From free domain names and automatic updates to 24/7 customer support and dynamic cPanel, you’ll have everything you need to run a successful website. Especially if you are a blogger, a small business, or a startup, Bluehost’s affordable shared hosting plan will have you covered. For more such updates, visit Findwyse.