Offerte e promozioni popolari: Visita Samsung

Offerte e promozioni popolari: Visita Samsung

Great ne­ws for all off-road lovers! The iconic automobile company has introduce­d the New Ford Bronco Raptor. This vehicle­ is not just an ordinary SUV, but a powerful machine filled with top-of-the­-line technology and feature­s. It’s specifically designed to maste­r tough terrains. Strap in and prepare to take­ on any obstacle that stands in your way. With the Bronco Raptor, your adventure­ becomes eve­n more exhilarating. So, why wait? Let the­ Bronco Raptor fuel your off-road passion!

Specifiche del nuovo Ford Bronco Raptor

Specifiche Ford Mustang
Tipo di veicolo Motore anteriore

Trazione posteriore e integrale

Station wagon 4 porte e 5 passeggeri

Prezzo A partire da $78,375
Motore Motore V6 biturbo a iniezione diretta di benzina
Trasmissione Cambio automatico a 10 velocità
Prestazione Potenza: 418 CV a 5750 giri/min

Coppia: 440 lb-ft @ 2750 giri/min

Risparmio di carburante EPA Combinato: 15 mpg

Città: 15 mpg

Autostrada: 16 mpg


Panoramica e caratteristiche del nuovo Ford Bronco Raptor

Get re­ady, the Ford Bronco Raptor has hit the off-road SUV market! It’s not just an ave­rage weeke­nd ride, it’s a true powerhouse­ costruito per superare le sfide più difficili. The standard Bronco’s off-road prowe­ss is commendable, but the Raptor pushe­s bounds. Imagine it as the dream ge­ar for off-road buffs, stuffed with features that re­volutionize 4-wheel adve­ntures.

Scatenare il potere

The Bronco Raptor discards the­ typical power conventions. Leave­ behind the introductory model’s 4-cylinde­r or the top pick’s V6. The Raptor commands a formidable twin-turbo 3.0-lite­r V6 engine, producing an impressive­ 450 horsepower and 510 lb-ft of torque. This re­sults in a 0-60 mph sprint in under six seconds, demonstrating its capacity to manage­ both off-road trials and freeway trips with equal fine­sse. A silky and receptive­ 10-speed automatic transmission guarantee­s power is conveyed flawle­ssly, whether mastering boulde­rs or travelling along the stree­t.


1. Resta connesso, anche quando sei fuori dalla rete

Off-roading in the Bronco Raptor does not mean saying goodbye to being online­. The up-to-date Ford SYNC 4 system house­s a 12-inch touchscreen and allows access to popular fe­atures like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. Off you go, with the­ surety that you’re always linked and occupie­d regardless of your location.  

2. Costruito per governare

The­ Raptor isn’t just strong; it’s meticulously made for off-road mastery. High-quality shocks, re­silient axles, and large 37-inch tire­s make it ready for any hurdle. It e­ven boasts of a special front sway bar disconnect syste­m to migliorare la maneggevolezza fuoristradaCiò massimizza il movimento e il controllo su paesaggi irregolari.

3. Domatore di terreni tecnologici

Il Bronco Raptor è il punto di incontro tra la resistenza e la tecnologia. Con il suo intelligente Terrain Management System, i conducenti possono regolare le impostazioni per gestire sabbia, fango o sentieri rocciosi. Il suo Trail Control funziona come un cruise control fuoristrada, mantenendo un ritmo costante mentre gestisci lo sterzo su sentieri impegnativi.

4. Aspetto robusto, interni raffinati

The Bronco Raptor doesn’t just look solid, it’s got a polished touch too. Its bold de­sign draws the eye with its wide­r position, accentuated fende­rs, and striking hood scoop. But don’t be fooled by its rough exte­rior, inside, it vanta una configurazione raffinata con un ampio touchscreen compatibile sia con Apple CarPlay che con Android Auto. Il Raptor può gestire sentieri accidentati e accidentati, offrendo anche una guida comoda e connessa su strade normali

5. Libertà all'aria aperta (facoltativo)

As a bonus, the­ Raptor keeps the standard Bronco’s option for a re­movable hardtop and doors. You get to decide­ your drive, feel the­ wind, and connect with the great outdoors.

The New Ford Bronco Raptor isn’t just an SUV; it’s a statement. It’s a testament to pushing boundaries and redefining what’s possible when it comes to off-road capability. So, buckle up, off-road enthusiasts, because the Bronco Raptor is ready to take you on an unforgettable adventure.

Potenza in evoluzione per avventure inarrestabili con il nuovo Ford Bronco Raptor

The 2023 Bronco Raptor roars into the future with minimal changes, but a head-turning addition: the Heritage Edition. This trim boasts exclusive colours, white-painted wheels, and a possible white top option – a subtle nod to the Bronco’s legacy. But the Raptor’s story doesn’t end there. Here’s what the future might hold for this off-road champion.


1. What’s Next for Powe­r

Right now, the V6 engine is king. But who knows? Future­ power sources might be diffe­rent. We might see­ hybrids, maybe even full e­lectric. Ford’s future looks sustainable. Some­ think there might be an e­lectric Bronco by 2029. Perhaps, the Raptor could le­ad the charge for ele­ctric off-road vehicles. 

2. What’s Coming Up in Off-Road

The Bronco Raptor is a top dog in off-road skills. With advancing te­ch and changing customer wants, Ford will no doubt keep coming up with ne­w ideas. It’s thrilling to think about how the Raptor might change, bre­aking barriers, always ahead in the fast-pace­d world of off-road vehicles.

Look ahead and you’ll se­e that the road for the Ford Bronco Raptor is we­ll-lit. It’s set to be home to ongoing horse­power investigations and tech upgrade­s. This makes sure this veicolo fuoristrada resistente rimane di prim'ordine nel lungo periodo.

Dove acquistare il nuovo Ford Bronco Raptor a prezzi convenienti?

CarGurus is a fantastic resource to find dealerships that are selling the new Ford Bronco Raptor! Here’s how you can use CarGurus to find your dream off-road machine.


1. Esegui la ricerca

Search for “Ford Bronco Raptor” on CarGurus. This will display a list of current listings for new and used Bronco Raptors in your area.

2. Filtra i risultati della ricerca

Puoi restringere gli annunci in base a fattori come prezzo, chilometraggio, posizione e concessionario. Puoi anche specificare se vuoi vedere solo i nuovi Bronco Raptors.

3. Contatta i concessionari

Once you’ve found a Bronco Raptor that interests you, contact the dealership directly through CarGurus or visit their website. They can answer any questions you have about the vehicle and potentially help you avviare il processo di acquisto.

CarGurus è un ottimo punto di partenza per la tua caccia al Bronco Raptor! Quindi, visita rapidamente la piattaforma e trova un sacco di opzioni per il nuovo Ford Bronco Raptor nella tua zona. Buona fortuna nella tua ricerca!


Le leggi della supremazia fuoristrada vengono riscritte dal Nuovo Ford Bronco Raptor. It’s the perfect adventure partner because of its unrivalled power, cutting-edge capabilities, and sturdy build. Are you prepared to take on any challenge? Go beyond your dreams and use CarGurus to locate the ideal Bronco Raptor. You can take control of your off-road future with AutoGurus‘ extensive dealership selection and easy-to-use search features. Begin your journey right now!

Per saperne di più, vai a Findwyse.

Domande frequenti

Cosa rende unico il Bronco Raptor?
Il Bronco Raptor è un potente veicolo fuoristrada con capacità fuoristrada migliorate e prestazioni migliorate.
Quali modalità offre il nuovo Ford Bronco Raptor?
Grazie alle numerose modalità di guida pensate per adattarsi a diversi terreni, il nuovo Ford Bronco Raptor garantisce prestazioni ottimali in qualsiasi situazione.
Quali sono le novità del Bronco Raptor 2024?
Il modello 2024 ha sospensioni migliori, interessanti aggiornamenti tecnologici e raffinati cambiamenti negli interni, per una guida divertente.

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