Gotham Knights bring together all of our favorite characters, including Robin, Batgirl, and Red Hood. The story covers the timeline of the aftermath of Batman’s death, and the plot depicts violence that breaks out between rival gangs. One of the unique features of this gioco è che puoi fare squadra con altri giocatori per creare una strategia cooperativa e giocare.
Durante la riproduzione del gioco, sarai in grado di sperimentare un mondo aperto Gotham, con un paesaggio che copre più distretti di Gotham.
In termini di selezioni, potrai scegliere tra 4 diversi personaggi, ognuno con le sue caratteristiche uniche, e oltre a questo, puoi scegliere tra 5 distretti separati.
Per tenerti brasato di questo eccitante gioco, abbiamo tracciato tutti i dettagli che dovresti sapere su Gotham Knights. In questo articolo troverai tutte le informazioni rilevanti, come i personaggi disponibili, le date di uscita e altre piccole griglie che vuoi conoscere.
Data di uscita di Gotham Knights
Il 21 ottobre 2023, Gotham Knights sarà rilasciato per PS5, Xbox Series X | S e PC (Steam). Inoltre, sarà giocabile su Xbox One e PlayStation 4.
Personaggi giocabili
Cavalieri di Gotham hanno quattro personaggi giocabili: Batgirl, Cappuccetto Rosso, Nightwing e Robin. Ecco le informazioni su ciascuno:
Cattiva ragazza
Il primo personaggio giocabile in Gotham Knights è Batgirl. Barbara Gordon non ha eguali in termini di pura grinta e tenacia. È sempre stata una persona attiva. È stata profondamente colpita dall'avere un padre, il più noto commissario di polizia di Gotham City.
She now wants to ensure that Jim Gordon’s sacrifice for Gotham hasn’t gone in vain. She becomes an Oracle, information and communications specialist, following a confrontation that left her in a wheelchair. She underwent intense training and recovery procedures, healed from her injuries, and re-surfaced as Batgirl.
Cappuccio rosso
The next character is Red Hood (Jason Todd), formerly known as Robin. He is a passionate and erratic anti-hero. Everything starts with a horrific death followed by a forced resurrection by one of Batman’s most fearsome adversaries. Although he struggles to control his temper, he will not hesitate to defend a buddy if they are in danger. Since corruption is the backbone of Gotham City, e ne è stato di gran lunga vittima, Cappuccetto Rosso vuole che il crimine paghi.
Robin (Tim Drake)
The youngest member of the Batman Family, Tim Drake, is also the sharpest and most skilled at using logical reasoning. Tim, a fervent supporter of Batman’s cause, is driven more by his conviction that Gotham City needs a hero than by any personal grief. Batman was a role model of the highest order who embodied the kind of man Tim aspires to be.
Ala notturna
The most charismatic member of the Batman Family is Dick Grayson. He was raised in a circus family and emphasized interpersonal relationships. According to Dick, there must be a legitimate cause worth fighting for, and that cause has always been other people. He was Batman’s first student before emerging as a stand-alone hero.
Gotham Knights è un sequel di Batman: Arkham Knight?
Gotham Knights non è un sequel ma una nuova continuità di gioco di Batman basata sui giochi di Arkham. In questa versione, Cappuccetto Rosso, che aveva talenti magici ed era stato precedentemente ucciso e rianimato, è un nuovo personaggio. Aspettati una trama nuova e nuove interpretazioni di personaggi famosi.
Ora sai tutto quello che c'è da sapere sui Gotham Knights. Man mano che ci avviciniamo al lancio, cerca ulteriori informazioni sul gioco.
Ultime notizie
. ‘Gotham Knights’ brings release forward alongside a new villain’s trailer.
Gotham Knights, a four-player DC game, will launch on October 21—four days earlier—instead of its original October 25 release date, according to last night’s (August 23) Gamescom Opening Night Live.
However, this wasn’t the only Gotham Knights announcement made at Gamescom. A brand-new trailer also showed off some of the game’s storyline and the additional villains from Batman’s rogue gallery that will appear in the game.
. ‘Gotham Knights’ developers share details on “unique” open-world
Lead developers for Gotham Knights have provided a more detailed look at the game’s open world. Given that Gotham City is catgorised into five distinct districts, each of which is molded by “the worldview of the families that have governed it,” one defining aspect seems to be the detailed exploration of its history.
“You know, it started with the families in the five boroughs. In a Gotham Knights IGN First look, lead level design director Kristofor McMahan says, “The families came in there and erected imposing structures within certain districts, so then we designed around that to the character of those districts is based off that family.”
. ‘Gotham Knights’ studio says Batman would overshadow the game.
Batman will not come back to life in Gotham Knights. The development team has already made it obvious that he is dead. WB Montréal discussed how the inclusion of Batman would undermine the plot that Gotham Knights is trying to portray. Executive producer Fleur Marty also stated that having Batman present ” wouldn’t have made it simpler, because everywhere he goes, he sucks up all of the space and takes all oxygen out of the room.
The article covers all the important things you need to know about the Gotham Knights. It includes its release date and its four playable characters with their description. It also includes the latest news regarding Gotham Knights. You will be able to explore an open-world Gotham while playing the game, with a setting that includes many of the city’s neighborhoods. To get more information visit our official website findwyse.