Are you overprotective about your tablet? Or are you just simply careless? Either way, an accessory is something that you must add to your devices for being able to use them more comfortably and carefree. There are some really cool and unique tablet accessories available in the market that will take you by surprise and you won’t be able to resist yourself from buying them. So we have come up with the best tablet accessories that you might need and some of the best tablets in the market.
당신이 가져야 할 최고의 태블릿 액세서리
다음은 필요할 수 있는 모든 태블릿 액세서리 목록입니다.
키보드는 반드시 가지고 있어야 하는 주요 태블릿 액세서리 중 하나입니다. 터치 스크린 이전에 키보드가 있었기 때문에 기존 방식을 통해 더 쉽게 입력할 수 있도록 하여 태블릿의 생산성을 높이는 데 도움이 됩니다. 일부 태블릿에는 자사 키보드가 함께 제공됩니다. Apple 키보드에는 다음이 포함됩니다. 애플 스마트 키보드 그리고 매직 키보드.
If you want to have an experience similar to that of a computer on a tablet, then you can always choose to use a mouse as the tablet’s accessories along with a keyboard. You can pair any wireless, wired or Bluetooth friendly mouses and also use it as an input device.
Sometimes typing on a tablet gets too tiring and hard after one point, that too if you are typing continuously without a keyboard. So, this is one of the most useful tablet accessories that comes in handy and is called the Stylus. It lets you swipe mudge free. It may or may not come along with the tablet. If not, you can always go for a third party accessory. For iPads, you can go for an Apple Pencil- which is Apple’s version of a stylus.
USB Type-C 허브
Are you fed up of having to use a single port for charging or transferring data? Then you will be happy to know that you can get a USB Type-C hub which helps in adding more ports such as a USB Type-A port (which lets you attach your pendrives, card readers and more), Ethernet port, HDMI port, etc.
태블릿 스탠드
Similar to that of a mobile stand, a tablet stand helps you to place your tablet either vertically or horizontally and fix to view it as a laptop’s screen. You can also adjust the height or angle of these stands. They can be used while charging, watching movies, etc. It proves to be more useful when you pair it with the use of a keyboard and a mouse for having a laptop/desktop like experience.
iPad용 멀티포트 어댑터
If you have an Apple iPad then you must be knowing that there is just one port (lightning or Type-C) in it which makes the connectivity options limited. Apple sells a separate port hub which has an HDMI, USB and a Type-C port all in one.
게임 컨트롤러
How can we miss out on our gamers! A very special and specifically designed accessory for them is the Bluetooth game controller. It allows them to get a console-like gaming experience on tablets.
화면 보호기 또는 케이스
It is important to use a screen protector- a tempered or a guard. You can also use a bookcase to protect both the front and the back of your tablet. You should always keep all your devices protected and safe from scratches.
또한 읽으십시오: Canva Pro의 장점
2023년 최고의 태블릿 중 일부

다음은 2023년 최고의 태블릿 목록입니다.
1. 애플 아이패드:
Of course, the first one had to be the iPad, everyone’s favorite! Whether or not it is affordable for people, is another topic of discussion. You can go for iPad Air 2022, iPad 2022 10th Generation or even iPad Pro. Do your research before buying one.
2. 삼성 갤럭시 탭:
Samsung galaxy tab 7 or 8 are good Android buys and the 8th Gen is considered as one of the best premium Android tablets.
3. 아마존 파이어 7
It is a great option for kids for an affordable price. It gives more than what you ask for- including hands free Alexa!
4. 마이크로소프트 서피스 고 2:
더 큰 화면, 더 나은 배터리 수명, 뛰어난 웹캠. Windows 10용 최고의 태블릿 중 하나입니다.
5. 레노버 요가 탭 13:
더 큰 화면, 놀라운 스피커 및 뛰어난 배터리 수명을 갖춘 또 다른 인상적인 Android 태블릿입니다.
Do check the features before buying your tablet accessories. You can visit the official website of Backmarket Findwyse에서 권장하는 모든 태블릿 액세서리를 쇼핑할 수 있습니다.