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Data Mining Courses: As the word suggests, it is the mining of data not by digging physically but by finding and collecting valuable data from an enormous amount of information and datasets. This information helps organizations solve problems, mitigate risks, find new opportunities, etc. Data mining is essential for every organization as they help them to make better decisions in various aspects of their operations, such as marketing, customer service, human resources, etc., by revealing their customer’s shopping habits, measuring employee satisfaction, etc.

So, with the rising number of big tech data companies, data experts are required for the company to help them stay ahead of the curve. One can do so by taking up Data mining courses.

To pursue data mining as a career, first, you need to learn data mining. You can start pursuing data mining courses at some universities by visiting daily classes. You can also pursue a data mining online course at the convenience of your home.

Data Mining Courses

To help you get started, I have listed some great data mining courses with the links to access them. You can pick any of them and give a kick start to your data mining career:

  • Data mining and knowledge discovery 

This one among the popular data mining courses is offered by HKUSTx [Hong Kong University of Science and Technology]

This course will teach you various techniques as

  • Applying the clustering techniques for finding clusters within data.
  • Using the classification technique for classification and prediction.
  • Learning data warehouse techniques for data analysis.
  • Using frequent pattern mining to discover patterns in data

Also, you don’t have to pay any amount for this as this is a ‘free’ course. Also, this is a self-paced learning course that can be done along with your job and other studies.

  • Big data fundamentals

This course is about how big data is causing a tremendous change in the organization. You will learn fundamental techniques such as data mining and stream processing. It will also teach you how to design and implement page rank algorithms with the help of MapReduce. MapReduce is a data processing tool that processes the data parallelly in a disturbed form.

This course is offered by Adelaide and is an intermediate-level course in computer science. By the end of this data mining course, you will be able to understand the following:

  • How to Apply MapReduce
  •  rate of occurrences of events in big data
  • Designing Page rank algorithms
  • Random walk algorithms

Also, you don’t have to pay for this as this is a ‘free’ course. Also, this is one of the self-paced data mining courses. Thus, you can do it along with your job and other studies.

  • Big data and education

This from our list of data mining courses aims at teaching methods and strategies for making discoveries about learning by using large-scale educational data. This course offered by Penn focuses on how to use methods in educational data mining. From how to apply to when to apply, you will learn everything. You will learn how to apply methods using:

  •  Scikit-learn Python’s built-in machine learning library
  •  RapidMiner

Again, you don’t have to pay for this as this is a course free of cost. If you want a certificate of completion of this one of the best data mining courses also, this is a self-paced learning course. You can do it along with your job and other studies as well.

  • Data science for smart cities

This Data mining course is an intermediate-level course offered by PerdueX.

This course will teach you various scientific techniques To analyze, infer and predict large-scale data which is present in city networks.

The data mining course focuses on methods and their application to smart city problems by using Python. Problems like evacuation modeling, smart and efficient buildings, and Urban resilience will be discussed.

You will learn to do the following: 

  • Classify the different types of data generated by smart metropolises. 
  •  Apply the basics of colorful data mining ways.  
  • Chart the data mining tool that’s applicable for colorful smart megacity operations. 
  • Apply and break the data mining algorithms by using Python.

Additionally, this is a ‘free’ 16-week instructor-paced course where you have to study this for 6 to 9 hours a week.

  • Introduction to computer science and programming

This is a beginner-level course offered by Tokyo tech.

This data mining course is designed to help you gain the essence of computer science. This gives you an insight into the basics and introductory level knowledge of computer science. Before entering into advanced concepts, it teaches you basic notions such as arrays, characters, and strings. By the end of this, you will be able to write your programs to decrypt and encrypt English texts.


If you are interested in collecting, analyzing, and presenting pivotal data, you can surely go ahead with this career. If you are a beginner, you can take up a data mining online course. Otherwise, an advanced data mining course is good if you already have some knowledge about data mining. Apart from the above-mentioned courses, you can explore more courses at Findwyse. 


What are data mining courses?
Data mining refers to finding and collecting useful data from an enormous amount of information and datasets. Courses on data mining deal with interdisciplinary topics such as algorithms, machine learning, databases, etc.
How can I learn data mining?
If you are a beginner, you can take up a data mining online course. Otherwise, an advanced data mining course is good if you already have some knowledge about data mining. Apart from the above-mentioned courses, you can explore more courses at Findwyse. 
How long does it take to learn data mining?
You can achieve level 1 competency within 6 to 12 months, level 2 competency within 7 to 18 months, and level 3 competency within 18 to 48 months.

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