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Sele­cting the perfect che­ese for pizza isn’t a task to be take­n lightly. Sure, taste is a big part, but there­’s so much more! Consider the stre­tch, how easily it melts, its fee­l, and the satisfaction after taking that initial bite as critical factors as we­ll. Believe it or not, the­se points are kee­nly analyzed in the pizza industry.

Finding the best cheese for pizza is like selecting the team’s most valuable player in terms of flavour, so let’s talk about that.

Different Types Of Pizza Cheese

  1. Mozzarella Cheese for Pizza

Let’s begin with the ever-popular Mozzarella, the undisputed queen of pizza cheeses.

A classic pizza would not be complete without this cheese. You may layer on all the heavy toppings you want because of their mild yet somewhat acidic flavour. Its 10/10 meltability is due to its perfect combination of moisture, flexibility, and fat content. Do you remember that famous cheese pull that Domino’s uses in its pictures? It’s all mozzarella! It’s a staple on all of their pizzas.

Not only is the mozzarella made entirely in the UK, but it is also 100% cheese—no added starch whatsoever. To find out why it is so popular, try out Original Cheese & Tomato pizza.

  1. Provolone Cheese

Provolone Cheese comes next. When compared to mozzarella, the more precise, more intense flavour of this semi-hard Italian cheese is noticeable. It has a rich flavour that is enhanced when melted and combined with mozzarella. The perfect option for pizza lovers who want something a little more flamboyant!

Something truly special happens when mozzarella and provolone are combined in a pizza. To rephrase, provolone would be Robin to Mozzarella’s Batman. If you pair them together, they become an unbeatable force—heroes in their own right. As it ages, usually for around four months, the semi-hard cheese provolone takes on a sharper flavour.

Although it can stand on its own as a cheese topping, I prefer it when paired with mozzarella because of its significantly drier texture.

  1. Gorgonzola Cheese

This Italian blue cheese is rich, earthy, and, perhaps, a little stinky, and it packs a major punch in every bite. Pizzas topped with Gorgonzola or another blue cheese go nicely with fruit toppings that are on the sweeter side, such as honey, figs, or pear.

  1. Goats Cheese

Goats cheese, that nutty outlier, is impossible to ignore. It will take your pizza-eating experience to a whole new level with its velvety texture and distinctive tanginess. Its sour taste can be offset by adding roasted veggies, caramelised red onions, or a sweet balsamic glaze.

  1. Cheddar

For pizza fans, cheddar is a cheese that doesn’t get enough credit. Even while cheddar is delicious, I don’t think it should be used as a topping on its own. Overheating cheddar can cause the fats to separate from the particles, and it doesn’t withstand high heat nearly as well as mozzarella, the gold standard. Aged cheddars are an exception to this rule.

For an extra cheddar flavour, try topping your pizza with a layer of mozzarella cheese before adding your preferred cheddar cheese. Combining cheddar with a meltier cheese can bring out the acidic and rich flavours of the cheese.

  1. Parmesan

Even though Parmesan is a staple in pasta recipes, has anyone ever thought to put it on pizza? Grated on top of a baked pizza, Parmesan is best appreciated, like other hard cheeses. Even in a cheese blend, the addition of Parmesan might cause the cheese to become bland or even burned because of its low moisture level. If you want your pizza crust to have a little more umami, you can always add some parmesan to the dough.

  1. Ricotta

When added to pizza, the light and creamy ricotta cheese makes for a pleasantly refreshing topping. It tastes great on its own or, even better, mixed one to one with another cheese, like mozzarella.

Despite ricotta’s underdog status as a pizza topping, its popularity is on the rise. Give it a taste and you’ll see what I mean. Add some ricotta cheese to your pizza the next time you have a pizza party. You’ll become as ubiquitous as the friend who first brought a band to everyone’s attention, just before they shot to fame.

What’s The Best Cheese For Pizza?

Without a doubt, mozzarella is the best cheese for pizza! There is a wide range of tastes and textures offered by cheeses. But being traditionalists, Domino’s prefers to use mozzarella, the unrivalled champion of pizza cheeses.

Mozzarella is the best cheese to put on pizza. It has a lovely, creamy flavour, and a bubbly, stretchy texture, and is manufactured from buffalo milk, making it an ideal stretched-curd Italian cheese. When mixed with mozzarella, other Italian cheeses can provide their own flavours to the pizza’s scent and texture, even if they’re typically overly fatty or dry on their own.

Is there a vegan cheese option at Domino’s?

Of course! The delectable plant-based cheese is the finishing touch on any of their vegan pizzas. Domino’s has the best vegan cheese for pizza!  

Plant-based options flourish at Domino’s, with five different pizzas to choose from: the recently added Plant-based American Hot, the Margheri-tastic, the Chick’n Winner, the Vegi Supreme, and our renowned Plant-based Peppy-roni. Their plant-based dough and cheese substitute are the ingredients for these pizzas. 

Is it possible to top my Domino’s pizza with more cheese?

What a great style! To get twice as much of what you love on any of Domino’s pizzas, just hit “Customise” and then hit the “Extra?” option. It also provides reduced-fat mozzarella cheese as an alternative to their regular mozzarella. 

Are you trying to cut back on cheese consumption? The world-famous Domino’s Stuffed Crust is another crust option.


Attention cheese lovers! Your dreams are about to come true. Because it’s more fun to eat the best cheese for pizza than to read about it. Put that cheesy deliciousness in your next Domino’s order and have it delivered right to your door right now! 

For more delicious information on the best cheese for pizza, visit Findwyse.


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