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There is no one correct definition of poetry. But perhaps, poetry can be defined as “the best words, in the best order”. Good poetry involves words, sounds, and meaning. Therefore, when you read a good poem, your brain improves cognitive health. Poetry makes a person self-reflect and even boosts memory. 

A good poem has the magical power to instantly change your mood. A sad poem can make you well up with tears, whereas a happy one can leave you excited long after you have finished reading. So, whether you have a book collection of poems or not, you should read these five books to get a sense of what poetry can do. 

Here is a list of top 5 book of poems by Legimi:

1. Cinnamon and Honey in Search of Tenderness- Book of Poems

This book by Anna Heart contains lyrics that force you to reflect. They make you pause and think and question. The lyrics are so palpable that you can feel the mystery between the words. You feel her sorrow when the author conveys her personal experience of wounds. When she writes about the power of healing, it fills the reader with hope. Life and death are the two truths known to everyone. Anna Heart familiarizes us with both and then shows the meaning of love. Her words and rhymes have the power to lead sensitive people through tough times. The experience is akin to a pupa changing into a butterfly. 

Anna Heart is a contemporary poet, writer and painter. She claims to be in love with the idea of love, life and soul. Her poetry opens the doors to an invisible world. She encourages women who are stuck in a storm in their lives to fight back and come out of it victoriously. Therefore, her poetry brings courage and hope to many, especially women. 

In her own words, Anna Heart believes that it changes how people view themselves. She hopes that they find confidence and importance in themselves. Her poems, she says, smell like the combination of cinnamon and honey- strong and yet likeable. Her words and lyrics form the music of freedom and come as a confession of a woman seeking happiness. 

Link: Cinnamon and honey in search of tenderness – Heart Anna – book – Legimi online

2. Oikos- Book of Poems

Bydgoszcz is the eighth largest city in Poland. Dariusz Filinger was born and brought up in Bydgoszcz. He finished his agricultural studies at the University of Technology and Agriculture. His poetic debut came about in the pages of “Fatky” in 1983. He also found a mention in the youth magazine “Radar” in 1984. Filinger is a contemporary poet and the laureate of several poetry competitions. He won the second prize in the 2018 Władysław Broniewski competition. For his poem, “For an oak leaf,” he collaborates with the literary club of teachers of Pomerania and Kujawy. The result of this collaboration was published in 1997 and was entitled “Towards the Light”.

Considered a historical trend in poetry, he is currently associated with the nationwide literary magazine “Akant”. In Oikos, he talks about fireflies displacing darkness and a place they do not want to leave. The sky and the green grass are all simple pleasures that he admires. He talks about the end of summer and Freedom square, where stones proudly sit. Women weave baskets of memories with willow twigs. Undeniably, Filinger’s poems touch the heart and make the reader ponder. Whether you are interested in children’s book of poems or serious poetry, this book by Dariusz Filinger is a must-have. 

Link: Oikos – Filinger Dariusz – book – Legimi online

3. Chimerica Satirical Texts- Book of Poems

Dagmara Gadek-Widzyk also known as Dangy is a cellist. A native of Tarnów, she plays the Cello well. For years she has been living in Germany. She holds a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and is a graduate of three foreign universities. She has studied in the Netherlands and Germany. In her own words, Dagmara says that she writes to give an outlet to her innate talkativeness. Her sense of humour is what makes her writings stand out. She has two children with her husband, who is also a double bass professor. Together they make a loud, happy, and musical family that cherishes Polish culture and traditions. She loves reading in her free time and enjoys listening to music from Chopin, Brahms and Rachmaninoff. Her book Chimerica Satirical is available on Legimi. You can find it online. It is a small book of poems of only 78 pages but readers find it worth their time and money

Link: Chimerica Texts satirical – Dagny – book – Legimi online

4. Coming Back Anthology of Poetry- Book of Poems

This book of poems is a protest against the patriarchal society of the world. It talks about how many things in the knowable world are associated with masculinity and the male gender exclusively. Many laureates and poets of Polish society have appreciated the writing quality. The book ensures that the poems deliver a matriarchal message to their readers. While there may be stylistic differences and poetic concepts at play, the readers will feel the pain and discover empathy within their hearts through these poems. 

Noted poet, editor and author Jarosław Jabrzemski have praised this book of poems. However, before reading the book, it is suggested to read the leaflet because poetry is like drinking great rakija. Rakija is a fruit brandy. Poetry has the same effects. 

Link: Coming back Poetry anthology – Żuchowska-Arendt Agnieszka, Tyman Aga, Ślusarczyk Paweł, Czarnecki Łukasz – book – Legimi online.

5. Sentiment On the Web- Book of Poems

Marzena Antoniak is a well-known poet in the Polish world. He has four volumes of poems published in his name. The latest book of poems is called “To say without understatements”. In the book “Sentiments on the Web”, the poet writes about the story of an acquaintance. It talks about two thirty-two-year-olds who became friends on the internet and recorded not one but one hundred and eighteen virtual letters. The book’s protagonist recalls hundreds of famous people’s quotes and statements. There are dozens of quotes from the Holy Bible as well. This book offers its readers an interesting journey through the life of two youngsters who are determined to go together. It is a short book of only 84 pages but has been well-received by the reading community. 


Books of poems are considered by those who love poetry as little magical portals. It takes them into a world where everything is lyrical and musical. Words are beautiful and meaningful. Therefore, poetry has a charm of its own. The books mentioned above take the readers on a similar journey. For more information, visit Legimi and the official Feedhour website. 


What is a book of poems called?
A book of poems is called an anthology. An anthology can also be a collection of songs or stories grouped. It can be compiled by either the writer or the editor.
What is a small book of poems called?
A small book of poems is known as a poetry chapbook. It is a collection of poems, but unlike an anthology, it comprises only 48 pages or less. Chapbooks are often based on small topics and are thematic. Also, they are rarely narrative.  
What is a poetry book?
A poetry book is any collection of poems that goes longer than 48 pages. There is no rule as to how many poems go into the book. The book is finished if it “feels” finished to the poet.



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