Dust Extractors - Corded, Cordless Electric and Accessories

Yellow Dots
Green Leaf Shape
Yellow Leaf

Bosch VAC090A 9-Gallon Dust Extractor

This corded model offers excellent suction power and a large capacity for heavy-duty tasks.

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf

Festool CT SYS HEPA Dust Extractor - A compact and cordless electric extractor, perfect for portability and smaller projects.

Off-white Section Separator

DeWalt DWV012 HEPA Dust Extractor

Featuring automatic filter cleaning and a powerful motor, this corded extractor is ideal for demanding jobs.

Off-white Section Separator

Makita XCV11Z 18V LXT Lithium-Ion Brushless

A cordless electric model with a brushless motor for efficient dust extraction.

Off-white Section Separator

Fein Turbo II X AC/HEPA Dust Extractor

A corded option with a HEPA filter for fine dust, perfect for workshops.

Swipe up to explore these dust extractors and accessories for a cleaner and safer workspace!