The term, “Pencil Plead Curtains”, originates from the heading of the curtain, which looks like a row of closely spaced pencils when it is drawn back. There is no reason why pencil pleat curtains cannot complement houses decorated in a more modern design; yet, they do work particularly well in homes decorated in a classic style.
Along with eyelet curtains, pencil pleat curtains are one of the two most popular designs of curtains now available. Eyelet curtains are the other.
Curtains with a pencil pleat design may be hung from a pole or a track, and these components can be fabricated from metal, plastic, or even wood. The ‘ruff’ at the top of the curtain may be made to seem more prominent by sliding the heading tape up and down in a vertical direction. In addition to this, modern pencil pleat curtains are available in a wide variety of colours and fabrics, so regardless of the aesthetic you’re going for, you’ll have a lot of Dunelm에서 선택할 수 있는 옵션.
집을 덮을 최고의 펜슬 플리츠 커튼 목록
1. 루나 차콜 블랙아웃 펜슬 플리츠 커튼

Dunelm’s collection of 루나 커튼 현대적인 차콜 그레이 색상으로 마감되었으며 모던한 펜슬 플리츠 헤더가 함께 제공되어 화려한 주름 효과를 연출합니다. 차콜 그레이 컬러도 트렌드다. 고급원단으로 제작된 커튼세트로 브러쉬드 마감처리로 부드럽고 고급스러운 터치감이 느껴집니다. 그들은 당신의 집을 소생시키기 위한 탁월한 선택입니다. 이 커튼은 집에 들어올 수 있는 원치 않는 빛을 차단하는 암막 코팅을 포함하고 있기 때문에 편안한 숙면을 보장하는 데 이상적입니다.
이 커튼은 온도에 민감합니다. 즉, 겨울에는 외풍을 방지하고 여름에는 펜슬 플리츠 암막 커튼이 뜨거워지는 것을 방지합니다. 그들은 일년 내내 사용하기에 이상적입니다. 이 컬렉션은 다양한 사이즈로 제공되며, 각 제품은 다른 제품과 조화를 이루더라도 단독으로 구매할 수 있습니다.
또한 읽기: 5 Supreme Ready-made curtains to Amp Up the ambience of you House
2. 제닝스 네이비 써멀 펜슬 플리츠 커튼
이것들 파란색 커튼은 Jennings 라인의 일부입니다., 그들은 멋진 커튼 접기를 만들기 위한 기존의 연필 주름 머리글을 가지고 있습니다. 커튼은 섬세한 우븐 질감 마감으로 제작되었습니다. 향상된 프라이버시와 보다 안정적인 단열 환경을 제공하는 것 외에도 이 커튼에 포함된 열 라이닝은 어떤 공간에서도 탁월한 선택입니다. 다양한 크기 중에서 선택하여 필요에 맞는 것을 찾을 수 있습니다.
3. 제닝스 공작 열 연필 주름 커튼

These exquisite curtains pencil pleat are ready-made in a gorgeous peacock blue colourway and feature a traditional pencil pleat header for a sophisticated appearance and a beautiful drape. Additionally, the peacock blue colourway is used in the construction of the curtains. These drapes have a simple design so that they can easily be coordinated with a wide variety of other decorative styles, and they are made with a delicate woven texture so that they have a beautiful end result.
These curtains come complete with a full thermal lining, which not only helps to improve insulation but also adds an additional layer of privacy. These curtains give any space an air of sophisticated sophistication and are available in a variety of sizes to accommodate your specific needs. There is an additional cushion in a matching pattern that may be purchased if desired.
또한 읽기: 이러한 청소 기구로 빛나고 깨끗한 집을 만드세요
4. Havisham 네이비 펜슬 플리츠 커튼

The lovely patterns that were popular throughout the arts and crafts era are channelled into the Havisham curtains with the use of a current navy colourway. These drapes have a pattern that is printed on a brushed woven fabric, so not only are they comfortable to touch but they also hang wonderfully. These Dunelm curtains pencil pleat feature a floral print lining in a gold colourway that is complementary, and they are completed with a pencil pleat header that creates beautiful folds to add a touch of elegance to your room.
Available in a wide range of sizes to accommodate your specific requirements. Add some flair to your space with our Havisham cushion, which has a fine string trim accent.
5. 컷 벨벳 샴페인 써멀 펜슬 플리츠 커튼
이것들로 contemporary Dunelm modern pencil pleat curtains in a champagne colourway, you can give your home or office a hint of the sophistication that is found in today’s modern world. They are completely lined with thermal treatment, allowing you to keep the room warmer while still maintaining your privacy and reducing the amount of unwanted light that enters the space. These drapes are versatile and can be used in a variety of settings, from a classic home to a contemporary one.
또한 읽기: 배터리로 작동하는 램프로 모든 공간을 밝히세요
Your curtains will ofcourse, have to be the same length as the rail; however, modern pencil pleat curtains will need lengths that are twice as great if you want them to hang properly. You will also need to determine the length of your curtains; they may reach the windowsill, the area below the windowsill, or all the way down to the floor. For more information on 두넬름, 방문하다 핀와이즈.