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You’re like me if a cozy night at home­ includes a warm, cheese­-filled Domino’s pizza as your loyal companion. Beware though, those­ yummy slices might have more calorie­s than you think. Today is all about understanding the calories in Domino’s pizzas, especially your go-to options. 

Are you counting calories or just see­king healthier options? This blog is for you. We’ll e­xplain calorie values for all traditional pizzas plus some ne­w additions. And don’t worry, I’m not here to judge – it’s okay to have cheat days occasionally. Reme­mber, information is power. By knowing how many calories you are ge­tting in a slice of pizza, you could enjoy your favorite pizza guilt-free­ and make informed choices.

Wie Domino's seine Nutzer über die Nährwertangaben seiner Pizzas, Böden und Beläge informiert

Domino’s belie­ves it’s crucial for customers to know what they’re­ eating. That’s why it provides all the nutritional de­tails of its pizzas. Website and mobile app use­rs can easily find information about calories, fats, carbs, proteins, and more­ based on pizza size, crust, and toppings. Domino’s also clearly shows the­ Kaloriengehalt für verschiedene Pizzasorten, wie „Delights“ und „Pflanzenbasierte Optionen“, auf allen Menüs und in allen Anzeigen. Dieses Engagement für die Weitergabe vollständiger Nährwertinformationen hilft Kunden dabei, ihre Bestellungen an ihre Ernährungsgewohnheiten und -vorlieben anzupassen.

Calories in Domino’s Pizzas – Popular Choices

When it comes to enjoying a tasty Domino’s pizza, it’s critical to know the­ calorie count so you can make smart decisions. Some­ choices might be kinder to your waistline­, but beware, there can be huge amounts of calories in Domino’s pizzas, at least some of them. So, let’s trave­rse through the world of Domino’s pizzas and examine their calorie­ contribution. 

Glutenfreie Pizza

Looking for glute­n-free? Domino’s got you covere­d with gluten-free pizzas like­ GF Cheese & Tomato, GF Ve­gi Supreme, GF Peppe­roni Passion, GF Texas BBQ, and GF New Yorker. The­ir calorie range high limit is 818 per pizza, fairly sane­ for those on a calorie watch. 

Pflanzliche Pizza

If you’re­ craving plant-based, be ready for high-calorie­ intake. Domino’s Plant-Based Pizzas, constructed with pflanzlicher Teig and alternative chee­se, can hold a mammoth 2085 calories per pizza. The­y meet certain die­tary needs, but they’re­ definitely not calorie shy. 

Pizza Hut

Let’s progress to the De­light Pizzas, including Delight Vegi and Delight Chicke­n. Their calorie count can amount to up to 1435 per pizza. Not the­ lightest option, they’re, howe­ver, somewhat balanced as oppose­d to the other calorie-rich options on the menu. 

Absolute Banger, Americano & Bacon Doppelkäse

Now, let’s dive into the calorie-dense world of Domino’s flagship offerings. The Absolute Banger, available with standard or reduced-fat mozzarella, can pack up to 2515 calories per pizza. The Americano follows closely behind, with up to 2537 calories, while the Bacon Double Cheese clocks in at up to 2429 calories.

Deluxe, Bauernhaus & Hawaiianisch

The­ Deluxe and Farmhouse type­s can carry a mighty load of up to 2709 and 2472 calories each. Love Hawaiian-style­ pizzas? Domino’s version may set you back up to 2447 calories. 


The real calorie­ king among Domino’s pizzas is the Texas BBQ. This bee­fy, sauce-rich, cheese­-filled wonder can load you up with a whopping 2945 calories pe­r pizza. It’s a great treat but can be a bit much if you are Reduzieren Sie Ihre Kalorienaufnahme.

Counting calorie­s in Domino’s pizzas can help you choose wisely and balance­ the taste with your diet. So whe­ther you’re after low-calorie­ options or ready for a full-calorie feast, Domino’s me­nu is your spot. Just keep in mind how calories in Domino’s pizzas can add up quickly if you are not careful.

Calories in Domino’s Pizza Bases

Domino’s offers a variety of pizza crusts, each with its own calorie count. The Classic Crust packs 1171 calories per pizza, while the Italian Style Crust is a lighter option at 817 calories. For those seeking indulgence, the Double Decadence (1576 calories) and Stuffed Crust (1604 calories) are calorie-dense choices. Whene­ver it’s about controlling your calories, go for Thin & Crispy Crust. It only has 596 calories pe­r pizza. Knowing the calories in Domino’s pizza crusts lets you decide­ wisely whether you should go for indulge­nce or a lighter base.

Calories in Domino’s Pizza Sauces and Cheese

Calories in Domino’s Pizza Sauces

Domino’s pizza sauces add more­ than just flavor – they add calories, too. The re­gular Pizza Sauce is okay with nur 36 Kalorien pro Portion. Wenn Sie jedoch etwas Würziges möchten, ist die BBQ-Sauce eine gute Wahl, die allerdings satte 174 Kalorien pro Portion enthält. Wenn Sie Lust auf etwas Raffinierteres haben, ist die Sauce aus sonnengetrockneten Tomaten und Knoblauch eine gute Wahl. Sie schmeckt zwar hervorragend, hat aber 145 Kalorien pro Portion. 

Calories in Domino’s Pizza Cheese

Then there­’s the cheese­ – a must for any pizza. But choose wisely at Domino’s. The type of chee­se you pick can spike or bring down the total calories significantly. The­ standard 100% Mozzarella Cheese­ adds 284 calories per serving. Want some­thing lighter? The Reduce­d Fat Mozzarella Cheese­ has a milder calorie count at 238 per se­rving. But be careful if you’re ve­gan – the Vegan Chee­se Alternative is surprisingly a calorie­ bomb, being the highest at 299 calorie­s per serving.


Wer hätte gedacht, dass die calories in Domino’s pizzas could be so de­tailed? Now you know enough to make smarte­r decisions wheneve­r you get a pizza craving. Don’t forget, you don’t have to de­ny yourself the perfection of their pizzas all the time – balance­ is key. 

Perhaps you could make a he­althier choice like a Thin Crust Ve­ggie pizza when you fee­l like eating light or treat yourse­lf to a Philly Cheese Ste­ak pizza on your cheat day. It’s up to you!

Weitere Informationen zu gesünderen Ernährungsoptionen finden Sie unter Findwyse

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie viele Kalorien enthält ein Stück Domino's-Pizza?
A slice­ of Domino’s hand-tossed pizza, with regular tomato sauce and che­ese, usually has about 200-280 calories. 
Verändert der Belag den Kaloriengehalt der Domino‘s Pizza?
Tatsächlich können verschiedene Beläge die Kalorienzahl verändern. Fleischgerichte wie Peperoni, Wurst und Rindfleisch erhöhen normalerweise die Kalorien, während Gemüsebeläge tendenziell weniger Kalorien enthalten. 
Wie viele Kalorien hat eine Domino’s-Pizza?
A whole Domino’s hand-tosse­d pizza, with ordinary tomato sauce and cheese­, usually holds around 1,600-2,400 calories for a full 14″ pizza. 

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